Cockermouth Mechanics Brass Band

Commitment to safeguarding

Cockermouth Mechanics Brass Band (the “Band”) believes that a vulnerable person should never experience abuse of any kind.  We are committed to safeguarding vulnerable people with whom we come into contact, promoting their welfare and  protecting them from harm. We recognise vulnerable people as children and young people up to the age of 18, and adults aged over 18 defined as vulnerable by the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006; this might include adults with a learning or physical disability, a physical or mental illness, or reduced physical or mental capacity.

About this policy

  • This policy applies to anyone taking part in Band activities.
  • It sets out the overarching principles that guide our approach to the protection of vulnerable people.
  • This policy aims to protect vulnerable people who are members of, or receive services from, the Band and to ensure that safeguarding vulnerable people is a primary consideration when the Band undertakes any activity.
  • Its purpose is to ensure that Band members in contact with vulnerable people understand and accept responsibility for the safeguarding of those with whom they interact.

How the Band might work with vulnerable people

Membership is open to those of any age. We run regular rehearsals, including all ages, and put on concerts for the general public. 

The Band has a community remit which includes encouraging all ages to take up a musical instrument, to develop their playing, and to perform in public.  

The Apprentice Band rehearses once a week and is specifically intended for beginners or less experienced players, including but not limited to children and young adults. Players of a suitable standard of any age may (at the invitation of the Musical Director) join the Senior Band for regular rehearsals and performances.  

As such our involvement with vulnerable people includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Rehearsals and concerts of the Apprentice and Senior Band
  • Contact with relatives and friends of members who attend rehearsals and concerts
  • Audience members at public concerts

Named safeguarding person

Jane Hunter has responsibility for safeguarding issues. All queries and concerns relating to safeguarding should be referred to her in the first instance. Any projects, events, or other activities that will involve vulnerable people must be planned with her involvement and in line with established procedures and ground rules (see below).

Procedures and ground rules

A further document – ‘Safeguarding Procedures and Ground Rules’  is available on the Band’s website and forms part of this policy. 

Policy review

This policy will be reviewed and amended (if necessary) on an annual basis by the Band’s Executive Committee (the “Committee”). It will also be reviewed in response to changes in relevant legislation, good practice, or in response to an identified failing in its effectiveness.

Safeguarding Procedures and Ground Rules

This document forms part of the Band’s Safeguarding Policy and uses the same defined terms.

DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks

Band activities that involve vulnerable people will be attended by one or more Band members who have the appropriate level of DBS clearance.

Information revealed by DBS checks will be sensitively treated in line with the Band’s equal opportunities, data protection and other relevant policies.  

Ground rules and ways of working safely with vulnerable people

When the Band organizes an activity or event attended by vulnerable people it will ensure that:

  1. Planning is carried out in line with this policy.
  2. The event is attended by an appropriate number of DBS-checked adults – this will be a minimum of one but more when practically possible.
  3. Where practically possible the ratio of adults in attendance (not necessarily DBS checked) to the total number of children and young persons will be in line with current guidelines (Current recommendations are 1:8 for children below 8 years old and 1:10 for those between the ages of 9 and 18). 
    • There is a main contact for safeguarding on the day  - this will be an individual who has been DBS checked. 
    • The main contact has access to emergency contact and other relevant details for each vulnerable Band member in attendance (e.g. information about collection arrangements). 
    • That if vulnerable people of different gender will be taking part in activities, adults of different gender will be in attendance too.
    • A vulnerable person is not to be left alone with an adult unless that adult is DBS checked and carrying out regulated activity.  
    • Two adults (one DBS checked) should be the last to leave the venue once the activity has finished and will be responsible for ensuring children and young people leave with the person who brought them or someone else who is collecting them by prior arrangement.
    • That all children and young people follow signing in and out procedures.
    • Promptly record in writing all accidents or injuries occurring during the activity or event of any nature in the register kept in the band room.

Working with parents/guardians

If a child or young person wishes to take part in Band activities appropriate written permission (email is fine) should be obtained from a person with parental responsibility, before the activity takes place. 

Those with parental responsibility are encouraged to attend all activities in which a child or young person is involved, and written consent must be obtained if this is not the case. 

A specimen consent form is shown below.

The role of Band members

When working with vulnerable people, Band members must maintain a position of trust and 

  • Will not take photographs or videos of children or young people unless for a specified publicity purpose for which specific written parental consent has been given. 
  • Will not make individual contact with a child or young person in the Band on any social media.
  • Will not give personal contact details to a child or young adult or seek to contact them outside of the event without the knowledge of the person having parental responsibility for that child or young person. 

Parental Consent Form

Cockermouth Mechanics Brass Band



By supplying the details set out in this form in relation to a child or young person, you are confirming that you are the person with parental responsibility for that person and that you have read and understand the various policies (and requirements set out in them), which appear on the Band’s website. 

Transport to and from Band activities

You are responsible for bringing your child to Band activities, or arranging for their transport to them; you are welcome to stay during rehearsals; we will register their attendance and we need to know what arrangements you have made for them to return home afterwards. Please explain in the “Details” section who will collect your child on a regular basis and inform us in advance if for exceptional reasons anyone else will be taking them home. 


At certain performances there are legal requirements concerning chaperoning children and young people even though (with the exception of the honorarium paid to our Musical Director) no Band member receives remuneration for their participation in Band activities; it is therefore a condition of your child’s participation in those performances that you or someone else with parental responsibility attends throughout. 

Photographic Images

In the course of our regular activities and at specific events we may take photographs to be used for future publicity. All such images will be handled in accordance with our Safeguarding Policy.

Specific Consents

Do you consent to your child or young person participating in Band activities, either in the Apprentice Band or, if invited, in the Senior Band?  


Is there anything which we should be aware of which is not set out in the “Details” section of this form?                                                        


May we use your child's image in our printed promotional publications, on our website and on our Facebook page?                                           


Will you inform us promptly if any of the information in the ‘Details’ section changes or if you change your mind in relation to any of the above specific consents?


Do you consent to your child or young person walking home alone after Band activities?



Signed …………………………………………………………………(person with parental responsibility)

Dated …………………

Your Name: .................

Name of Child or Young Person: ......................

Child’s Date of Birth: ....................

GP surgery with which the child or young person is registered: ......................

Your Address: ................................................................................................

Name, mobile phone, and relationship of the person who will normally collect your child or young person from the Band:


Your e-mail address: ...............................

Your phone number (landline and mobile): ............................

First emergency contact (insert name, mobile phone number, and relationship to child or young person): ...........................

Alternative emergency contact (insert name, mobile phone number, and relationship to child or young person): ....................

Details of any medical conditions, allergies, or other material information of which you are aware and of which anyone in whose care your child or young person is should be aware: 

If your child should take any medication during band activities, please list it here and discuss with us when and how it should be taken or administered; we may require additional consent depending on the circumstances.