Cockermouth Mechanics Brass Band

The Policy

Cockermouth Mechanics Brass Band is committed to the principle that there should be no discrimination on the grounds of: race, ethnic or national origins, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political beliefs or socio-economic status.

This statement of policy should be applied in conjunction with:

  • The constitution of Cockermouth Mechanics Band
  • The safeguarding policy of Cockermouth Mechanics Brass Band for children, young people, and vulnerable adults

Application of the Policy

Cockermouth Mechanics Brass Band applies its Equal Opportunities policy and commitment to no discrimination in the following areas of operation:

  • Membership;
  • Conduct;
  • Access to facilities;
  • Performance;
  • Audience facilities;
  • Information and publicity.


Membership and associate membership of Cockermouth Mechanics Band is open to all in line with the above statement of policy on Equal Opportunities. Playing in the Senior Band is based on musical ability and technical skill on a brass instrument as assessed by the Director of Music. Selection as a player for each particular concert or public function is again based on musicianship and skill assessed by the Director of Music.


At all times the conduct and speech of band members to each other and to members of the public should reflect the band’s Equal Opportunities Policy. Failure to do so will lead to the reprimand of the individual or individuals by the Chair of the Band. If there is continued failure to abide by the Equal Opportunities Policy the individual(s) will be dismissed from the band.

Access to Facilities

Band facilities are open to all band members including wheelchair users. The nature of the activity, however, is such that participation is either difficult or impractical for certain disabilities e.g. serious hearing or sight impairment 


The band receives many requests to give concerts or play music. In choosing which requests to accept, the band will be mindful of its Equal Opportunities Policy and not discriminate against any organization in a way that would be against the Equal Opportunities Policy. This applies equally to the band’s choice of music. Indeed we shall seek to cover a wide range of music that reflects the diverse cultures of our society.

Audience Facilities

The band will give preference to concert venues that have facilities to admit and welcome physically handicapped members of the public.  Where these do not exist, the band Chair will request the owner of the venue to take appropriate steps to ensure that access is open to the physically handicapped. The band will not play in concert venues that disbar members of the public from attending on the basis of race, ethnic or national origins, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, disability, religious or political beliefs, or socio-economic status.

Information and Publicity

Any information sheets and advertisements issued by the band will state that it is an equal opportunities organization. Any advertisements for concerts will state what arrangements are available for the physically handicapped.

Monitoring the Policy

A member of Cockermouth Mechanics Band is elected each year to act as the band’s Equal Opportunities Officer with specific responsibility to monitor the band’s conduct, activities, and program in the light of the band’s Equal Opportunities Policy.

The committee and trustees of Cockermouth Band have an overall responsibility to monitor the band’s Equal Opportunities Policy. They will consider any breach of the policy and respond to any complaint either from a member of the public or from a band member. If the complaint is upheld, they will take appropriate action to rectify the situation.

The committee will review the band’s Equal Opportunities Policy on an annual basis in light of the year’s events and after an annual evaluation exercise.

Evaluating the Policy

The band’s Equal Opportunities Officer will conduct an annual evaluation exercise on the band’s Equal Opportunities policy and practice. This will be done on the basis of anonymous questionnaires issued to all band members and associate members. The Equal Opportunities Officer will present the results of this evaluation exercise to a formal meeting of the band’s management committee.