Cockermouth Mechanics Brass Band

Policy statement

It is a policy of Cockermouth Mechanics Brass Band to provide activities in a safe manner without risk, so far as is reasonably practicable


The overall responsibility for the implementation of the Health & Safety Policies lies with the Band’s Committee. The Committee recognizes that they have a duty of care with regard to the players in the band and accept that ensuring the players’ health, safety, and well-being during band activities is one of their primary functions. They also recognize that they are responsible, so far as reasonably practicable, for the safety of anyone who may be affected by the band’s activity.

 Day-to-day responsibility for putting this policy into practice is delegated to the Health & Safety Officer or an authorized nominee.

 All volunteers have individual responsibility for ensuring their own personal health & safety and that of their acts. These responsibilities include:

  • Co-operating with the committee and H & S `Officer
  • Not interfere with any equipment provided to safeguard their health and safety
  • Reporting to the Committee any risks to health and safety
  • Recording all accidents and incidents in the accent book

Putting the policy into practice

Cockermouth Mechanics Band will:

  • Bring the policy to the attention of all its volunteers
  • Ensure relevant signage and emergency instructions are displayed and maintained throughout the premises and facilities used
  • Appoint a H & S Officer to implement the policy and its procedures
  • Maintain an accident book
  • Ensure regular inspection of electrical equipment
  • Carry out appropriate risk assessments and take action to minimise risk
  • Ensure safe handling, use and storage of substances
  • Identify and implement/report any maintenance required to premiswes or equipment
  • Ensure the same standards apply to activities taking place away from the normal rehearsal venues, including during journeys
  • Review this policy every year

Risk Assessment Procedures

Risk assessments, including fire risk assessments, should be carried out for all new activities when something changes and be subjected to an annual review. These assessments should be stored by the H & S Officer.

 Incident Procedures (e.g. evacuation, fire, etc)

 The H & S Officer should ensure that:

  • A procedure is in place for the immediate evacuation of all the people on the premises
  • All volunteers are aware of the marked fire exits and evacuation meeting points
  • A procedure is in place for taking a head count
  • A procedure is in place for contacting the emergency services
  • A practice emergency evacuation is carried out at least every 12 months

First Aid

 The H & S Officer should ensure that:

  • Players and volunteers know that the band does not carry a first aid box and that no member of the band is a trained first aider
  • Up-to-date emergency contact details are kept for all players and volunteers

Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents

The H & S Officer should ensure that:

  • An accident book is kept in the band library and that volunteers are aware of its location
  • Volunteers know how to record an incident
  • The Committee has been informed
  • Volunteers know what incidents are reportable to the Health & Safety Executive
  • Records of accidents and incidents are kept for at least 3 years

This policy was adopted by Cockermouth Mechanics Brass Band at their AGM on .   .   .   .

The current serving Health & Safety officer is .  .   .   .  .   .   .  .   .

To be reviewed in twelve months’ time

Signed .   .  .   .   .  .   .   .  .   .   .        Date .   .   .  .   .   .